"Pursuing Your Purpose With Passion, While Fulfilling It With Your Gift"
Dear Future professional,
Please let me be among the first to welcome you to the BBC beauty academy Family. I would like to personally congratulate you on your very first step towards pursuing your purpose with passion while utilizing your gift in the beauty industry. I would also like to thank you for considering our Academy as your school of choice. This website is designed to provide you with as much information as possible regarding our courses, rules, regulations, and a list of the student's services. We've made every effort to make this information relevant and understandable in order to answer any questions you may have about your school experience here at BBC beauty academy. If there are any further questions, your school executive director or any member of our educational team will be glad to answer them. I truly hope that you will work to get the most out of your BBC beauty academy education. There will be a lot of great educational opportunities available to you in the next few months I wish you the best of luck and success in the coming months…for the rest of your career. I look forward to meeting you in the future and personally welcoming you to the most beautiful industry in the world.
with the warmest regards,
Bristina Pearson